Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope 24/7

Inauguration all day while packing. I spent most of the day listening to I-Day events since I am taking time off-work to move and re-establish myself a few blks away from my current shared residence, sans BF. Still in Seattle though.

A couple of interesting radio programs were exploring:

1. the difference between naive hope and wizened hope

2. the experience for the huddled masses vs. the ticketed audience (more heckling of W, spontaneity vs. scripted stuff)

3. the guy who created the "HOPE" poster you see copied everywhere, including garage doors around here - he's not making any money off that, btw (this via Fresh Air)

...and today (1/21)

3. I spoke to someone who was actually there and had a ticket and he said it didn't really matter b/c everything was so chaotic, but he still had a pretty good attitude about it

4. I heard an NPR program about the purple ticket holders so I guess it's worse than what Jim told me and boy, that would really suck to bring your parents along and drag them out in the freezing cold at 4 am only to be denied entry in front of them, despite your ticket, and treated poorly. Did I hear someone say "lawsuit"? Wonder if they are still feeling that hope.


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