Thursday, January 01, 2009

Things I Like About Here

I'll have to elaborate later, but for now here's the list:

1. Birdnote on KPLU and Dick Stein behind the big red switch

2. (relative) lack of road rage

3. seeing Mt. Rainier on my drive to work

4. Seattle Public Library

5. the fact that this is one of the most literate cities in the U.S.

6. size of the City is more manageable

7. ferries & the endlessly fascinating geography of Puget Sound

8. local-ness

9. First Nations art

10. closeness to Canada (and like Canada, more nature, fewer people)

11. neon everywhere

12. European Vine Selections and the Mr. Doolittle guy behind the counter

13. Just discovered: Bruce Lee is buried here (hey, cool Asian American people live here!)


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